Friday, December 14, 2007

The Good things Utah Show!!

I don't know any of you watch tv much. But in Utah we have this show called good things Utah! Well my friend Amber got us tickets to go be at the show. The day that we went Kirby Heyborne was on. Well she is like in love with him so it was alot of fun. I don't know if any of you know who he is but he is a mormon actor who is in mormon movies( The RM, Singles Ward 1 and 2, and Saints and Soldiers) He also sings and gave us all his new christmas cd ( Which I LOVE!!). He is so funny. So it was really fun to meet him.
Kirby was so funny we told him we needed pictures of just him then some with us in them too. He loves to have pictures of him taken so he would really put on a show when we got the cameras out.
We also got to meet the girls on the show and take pictures with them too. They are so cute and it is a really fun show to go to. I would love to go again!!


Patomo Perhe said...

I loved that show! KIRBY IS HOT! The lighting was so good there and we looked awesome in our photos. SOOO people keep in mind often the people look good because they are on TV!

Sandie said...

Laura the picture of you and Amber, you two could be twins. I keep looking at it and thinking you have the same smile, features. Its just amazing. I wonder if Amber is my long lost daughter?